The Spirit of Timisoara in 1989 and Today
Address (somewhat revised) by Hon. David Kilgour
To a public
meeting hosted by the Timisoara Society
Timisoara, Romania
9 July 2007
Members of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Over the weekend, I was very pleased to visit the office of the Timisoara Society (of which I'm now proud to be a member), your Intercultural Institute, the Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, the Reform church formerly headed by Bishop Laszlo Tokes and the Museum of the Revolution.
As the now famous Proclamation of Timisoara notes, between December 16-20, 1989, the residents of this city waged a successful revolution against "one of the most powerful and hateful repressive systems of the world…on one side there was the barehanded population; on the other were the Securitate, the militia, the army and the zealous troops of party activists…Neither the arrests nor the harassment, not even the mass murders could stop them…On December 20 th, 1989 Timisoara was irrevocably in the population's hands and it turned into a free city within the huge prison that Romania had become."
I still recall being with hundreds of Romanian-Canadians and others at the Romanian embassy in Ottawa the night the Ceaucescu regime fell. As many of us as could squeeze into the building were eventually allowed to enter. The long nightmare was finally over.
You all know better than I do that one of the unresolved issues of your victory
is this: how can it be, when totalitarianism was jettisoned across central and
eastern Europe during 1989 with virtually no loss of life elsewhere, that 1104
children, women and men died violently across this country, including 104 in
this city? Why were an additional 3352 civilians wounded?
It seems clear to all fair-minded observers that the democratic revolution, begun by Rev. Laszlo Tokes and his pregnant wife, and hundreds of supporters from many faith and other backgrounds at their church, was completed well before Dec 22 nd. Why then is it that approximately 942 of your 1104 martyrs for democracy across the country were murdered after December 22nd? Who killed them? After 18 years, when will those criminals be brought to trial?
Proclamation of Timisoara
In March, 1990, the
Timisoara Society issued The Proclamation of Timisoara, which Ana Blandiana said
was "the most important political text after '89 and in fact the only coherent
program of changing the communist Romania into a democratic society." Could it
not be said that your society paved the way towards an open society and
democracy in Romania? To quote from the Proclamation: 'The ideal of our
Revolution was and and is the return to the genuine values of European democracy
and civilization".
The Proclamation
added: "…a succession of occurrences in Romania, especially since January 28,
1990, have come to contradict the ideals of the Revolution of Timisoara". The
signers expressed liberal democratic goals, which they saw as representing the
revolutionary legacy. The best-known was the 8th point, calling for all former
Communist Party nomenklatura and Securitate cadres to be banned from
holding public office for a period of ten years (or three consecutive
legislatures), with an emphasis on the office of President (Lustration).
Over the following months, the document was recognized and advocated by hundreds of civic associations, while almost four million citizens signed in favor of incorporating the 8th point into the electoral law.
Open Societies
We all know that
open societies are characterized by:
· the rule of law,
· respect for human rights, minorities, diversity of opinions,
· democratically-elected governments,
· market economies in which business and government are
normally separate, and
· an active civil society that helps keep the executive and legislative
branches of government in check.
Your totalitarian period, which applied a system of government fundamentally out of sync with human nature, has evidently caused changes in normal human thinking among some of the Romanian people as it has elsewhere around the world. Ethical and spiritual practices among the Romanian people and elsewhere were evidently altered, which is sometimes the most difficult to undo. Complacency, however, is the worst foe of any democracy. If individuals wait passively for things to change anywhere, critical problems tend only to be cosmetically concealed and not fundamentally changed for the better.
Even though the
situation was difficult, courageous steps have been taken in the direction of an
open society in your country. Romanians generally should continue to support
these attempts rather than wait for more to be changed. What else might be done
to strengthen Romania as an open society with a strong civil society?
Inspired by the Societatea Timisoara and its Proclamation, I offer a few thoughts for consideration:
1. In totalitarian regimes, the individual is taught that he/she is unimportant. They do not matter. Their opinions do not count. This view must be unlearned. In building an open society after a long totalitarian period, a first principle to be taken into account is that human society represents a wholesome diversity in which each individual has distinctive features and roles, just like the differently coloured pieces in a very complex mosaic.
2. Each Romanian is entitled to know about the crimes of totalitarianism, the ones committed in prisons in Romania in the past, and today in other countries. Access to the authentic history of your country or mine is essential. Young people should study the history of Communism and learn that its inhuman dogmas never offer just or human solutions anywhere. Communism and Nazism, of course, are virtually indistinguishable in practice.
3. For too long, bad values were promoted all totalitarian societies. People must therefore relearn what is positive, constructive and creative . Fortunately, Romanians have many examples of exemplary people who dedicated and sacrificed their lives for noble causes and ideals. They should be promoted and made known as models for the younger generations. Such names as the following come to mind: Corneliu Coposu, Petre Tutea, Alexandru Zub, Ana Blandiana and Doina Cornea .
4. The
Lustration Law should be adopted before the next elections if the Romanian
people so wish . If so, why not for the European Parliamentary election
A special clause of the electoral law could ban former Communist party activists from running for the position of President of the country (according to the 8th Point of The Proclamation), for the Senate and for your lower house . Romania's presidents ought to be "symbols of the country's divorce from communism."
5. Independent judges selected by a Judicial Commission should be chosen to avoid partisanship in appointments.
6. The Judicial Commission should be comprised of persons beyond reproach who would recommend only the best qualified men and women to be judges.
7. The media should have an educational role. They should promote specific ideas for an open society and point out its advantages. Of course, commercial interests should be taken into account, but media in open societies should also seek to provide access to culture, values and diversity of opinions .
8. Both civil society and the media should inform the public about the practices and features of open societies that build prosperity, human rights and dignity, pluralism and the rule of law in democratic societies. Post-totalitarian societies sometimes have difficulty in understanding the nuances of democratic practices. Among the best features of open societies are their active civil societies and rule of law.
Romanians should be aware that a post-totalitarian society without the rule of law and ethical values, without a determination to promote both, will not heal its wounds and become a authentic open society.
9. Civil society
organizations should inform Romanians about past and present totalitaritarian
atrocities, using media, conferences, seminars, etc. If it's true that
knowledge is power, it is also true that people should learn from mistakes in
the past to avoid making them in the future. Romanians have China as a current
example of what might have happened if communism had continued in their country.
Totalitarianism in Today's China
Let me refer here to the continuing closed society in China, in particular the regime's treatment of one of its own civil society groups, the Falun Gong, which has caused many of us to term next summer's Olympic in Beijing the "Bloody Harvest Olympics". As you know the world did not know about the Holocaust until after 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Many of us do know now what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to the Falun Gong community.
The report of David Matas and myself, available in Romanian and many other languages, at, speaks carefully about "a new form of evil on this planet". We refer to the killing of Falun Gong practitioners- people who believe in the principles of truth-benevolence-forbearance - and harvesting their organs for commercial purposes.
I have the highest
admiration for the people of China and their millennia of hard work, accumulated
wisdom, success with agriculture, myriad inventions, international exploration,
art, literature, philosophies and Confucian harmony earlier in governance.
In spite of its rich history, China's totalitarian governance, combined with
'anything goes' capitalism, unfortunately has demonstrated that the CCP capacity
for violence and crimes against humanity remains virtually unlimited.
Matas-Kilgour Report
Our revised report
of January with its appendices is 178 pages long in one edition, so I'll
summarize here its major findings only briefly:
Since launching our independent investigation in May, 2006 at the request of the
Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China, Matas and I
have concluded to our horror that the government of China and its agencies in
numerous parts of the country have "put to death a large but unknown number of
Falun Gong prisoners of conscience.
Their vital organs,
including kidneys, livers, corneas and hearts, were seized involuntarily for
sale at high prices, sometimes to foreigners, who normally face long waits for
voluntary donations of such organs in their home countries."
In the summer of 1999 for reasons which seem mostly rooted in totalitarian
paranoia, the party unleashed a campaign of media vilification and persecution
which continues to the present.
Falun Gong is not a
religion in the usual sense, but which religion cannot identify with the Falun
Gong core principles of " truth, compassion and forbearance"? The inner serenity
and non-violence its practitioners have demonstrated in the face of beatings,
imprisonments, torture and murder across China since July, 1999 are strikingly
reminiscent of what other spiritual communities faced with other despots in the
distant and more recent past.
Falun Gong practitioners do a combination of five physical exercises and apply spiritual principles based on similar principles as Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, which are each major components of Chinese history. It grew in numbers from virtually nothing in 1992 to more than 70 million practitioners across China at the end of the nineties by one government of China estimate.
Falun Gong
practitioners have since been arrested in huge numbers; they are imprisoned in
're-education camps' almost always without charge or trial and many have been
tortured and forced to work long hours in export manufacturing facilities until
they renounce their beliefs. Thousands of named practitioners have died as
result of torture. The UN rapporteur on torture, Manfred Novak, found last year
that two-thirds of those tortured in prisons across China are Falun Gong
practitioners. Only Falun Gong prisoners among the general prison population are
regularly blood tested and physically examined for a terrible reason which is
now evident.
Virtually all organs transplanted in China come from executed prisoners, but this group comprises both convicted individuals and Falun Gong practitioners. As mentioned, the latter are rarely convicted of anything. Unlike convicts, they are in effect murdered by doctors and nurses with toxic inoculations and scalpels to provide organs for tissue compatible organ recipients, who pay large amounts of money for the organs (ranging from $30,000 US to $180,000 for a kidney-liver combination
The seizing of organs in China from Falun Gong practitioners is done in operating rooms. The victims are killed in the process and their bodies are cremated. The medical perpetrators of these acts are guilty of crimes against humanity and highly unlikely to confess.
Matas and I had callers telephoning hospitals and other institutions across China, posing as family members of persons needing organ transplants; in a wide variety of locations the respondents said that Falun Gong prisoners were the source of the organs.
We democrats around
the world must be neither complacent nor over confident. There are still about
45 dictatorships in the world, which do much harm to both human beings and the
natural environment.
Consider, for example, the appalling roles the government of China is playing in
Sudan/Darfur, which has caused Mia Farrow to term the Beijing Olympics of next
summer "the Genocide Olympics", Burma/Mynamar, Zambabwe, North Korea and in
undermining democracy and human dignity across much of Asia and elsewhere.
Look at what the same regime is doing to its own people, including independent
journalists, human rights activists, democrats, religious communities, Uyghurs,
Tibetans and many others. In respect of the large Falun Gong community as
mentioned, it is simply inconceivable that the government hosting the Olympic
Games in one part of its capital city could be simultaneously killing some of
its own people for profit in another district of the same city. This terrible
commercial practice must stop now.
Whether in Romania, China or Canada, human dignity is ultimately indivisible
across our shrunken world today.
Thank you.
Discurs (oarecum revizuit) de Hon. David Kilgour
La o intalnire publica gazduita de Societatea Timisoara
Timisoara , Romania
9 iulie 2007
Membri ai Parlamentului, Doamnelor si Domnilor,
In acest sfarsit de saptamana am fost foarte incantat sa vizitez biroul Societatii Timisoara (al carei membru sunt mandru sa fiu acum), Institutul Intercultural, Catedrala Ortodoxa Romana, Biserica reformata in care a fost Laszlo Tokes si Muzeul Revolutiei.
Dupa cum binecunoscuta Proclamatie de la Timisoara observa, intre 16-20 decembrie 1989, locuitorii orasului au purtat o revolutie adevarata impotriva " unuia dintre cele mai puternice si pline de ura sisteme represive din lume…pe de o parte era populatia cu mainile goale, pe de alta parte erau Securitatea, Militia, armata si trupele devotate ale activistilor de partid…Nici arestarile nici hartuiala nici macar uciderile in masa nu i-au putut opri…Pe 20 decembrie, 1989, Timisoara a fost irevocabil in mainile locuitorilor ei si a devenit un oras liber intr-o inchisoare uriasa, asa cum devenise Romania."
Imi amintesc ca printre altii eram cu sute de romani-canadieni la Ambasada romana din Ottawa in noaptea aceea din decembrie in care regimul Ceausescu a cazut. Ni s-a dat voie in sfarsit sa intram in cladire, atat de multi pe cat puteam intra. Cosmarul indelungat luase sfarsit.
Stiti cu totii,
mai bine decat mine ca una din chestiunile nerezolvate ale victoriei voastre
este aceasta: cum se poate ca- in vreme ce totalitarismul a fost inlaturat din
Europa centrala si de est in timpul lui 1989, fara pierderi de vieti omenesti
nicaieri- 1104 de copii, femei, barbati au murit in mod violent in tara,
incluzandu-i si pe cei 104 din oras? De ce au mai fost si aproape 3352 de civili
Pare clar pentru acei observatori impartiali ca revolutia democratica, inceputa de pastorul Laszlo Tokes (si sotia sa care era insarcinata pe atunci) si sute de sustinatori si de alte confesiuni in biserica sa, a fost incheiata deja inainte de 22 decembrie. De ce atunci, sunt apoape 942 din cei 1104 de martiri ai revolutiei, in intreaga tara ucisi dupa 22decemrie? Cine i-a ucis? Dupa 18 ani, cand vor fi adusi acesti criminali in fata justitiei?
Proclamatia de la Timisoara
In martie
1990, Societatea Timisoara a emis Proclamatia de la Timisoara,
despre care Ana Blandiana a spus ca este "cel mai important text politic de dupa
'89, de fapt programul cel mai coerent de schimbare a Romaniei comuniste intr-o
societate democratica. " Nu s-ar putea spune, deci, ca Societatea
dumneavostra a deschis drumul spre o societate deschisa si spre democratie, in
Romania ? Citez din Proclamatie: "
Idealul Revolutiei noastre a fost si a ramas reintoarcerea la valorile autentice
ale democratiei si civilizatiei europene."
Proclamatia adauga: "… o serie de fapte si intamplari in
Romania, indeosebi dupa 28 ianuarie 1990, vin in contradictie cu idealurile
Revolutiei de la Timisoara ", asa ca semnatarii au exprimat scopuri liber
democratice pe care le vad ca reprezentand mostenirea revolutionara. Cea mai
cunoscuta cerinta a fost Punctul 8, prin care se cere ca tuturor fostilor membri
ai nomenclaturii de partid si securitatii sa li se interzica sa detina functii
publice pentru o perioada de 10 ani (sau 3 legislaturi consecutive), cu accent
pe functia de presedinte (Legea Lustatiei).
In lunile in care au urmat, documentul a fost recunoscut si sustinut de sute de asociatii, in timp ce aproape 4 milioane de cetateni au semnat in favoarea adoptarii Punctului 8 al Proclamatiei in legea electorala.
Societatile deschise
Stim ca societatile deschise sunt caracterizate prin:
· guvernarea
· respectul pentru drepturile omului, minoritati, diversitate de opinii;
· guverne alese democratic;
· economii de piata in care afacerile si guvernarea sunt evident separate; si
· o societate civila activa care ajuta la mentinerea controlului asupra
abuzurilor oficiale.
totalitara in Romania, care a practicat un sistem fundamental opus naturii umane,
a cauzat mereu schimbari in gandirea umana normala printre romani cat si in alta
parte in lume. Dimensiunile moral-spirituale ale romanilor cat si a altor natii
au fost sever alterate, lucru care este cel mai greu de refacut. Totusi
complacerea este cel mai rau dusman al oricarei democratii. Daca indivizii
asteapta pasiv ca lucrurile sa se schimbe, problemele grave vor fi doar
cosmetizate si nu fundamental schimbate in bine.
Chiar si in ciuda situatiei grele, s-au facut pasi curajosi in directia unei societati deschise in Romania. Romanii ar trebui sa continue sa sprijine aceste incercari decat sa astepte si altele. Ce s-ar mai putea face pentru a intari Romania ca si societate deschisa cu o puternica societate civila?
Inspirat de Societatea Timisoara si Proclamatia sa, m-am gandit la cateva principii:
1- Sub regimurile totalitare, individul este invatat ca este neimportant. Ca
el nu conteaza . Ca opinia sa nu conteaza. Acesta mentalitate trebuie
abandonata.Pentru a construi o societate deschisa dupa o lunga perioada
totalitara, un prim principiu de luat in seama este ca societatea umana
reprezinta o diversitate in care fiecare individ are trasaturi si roluri
distincte, intocmai ca si piesele diferit colorate ale unui mozaic complex.
2-Fiecare roman este indreptatit sa afle despre crimele totalitarismului
, cele comise in inchisorile din Romania in trecut si cele de astazi din alte
tari. Accesul la istoria adevarata fie ca e vorba de tara dvs fie de a mea,
este esentiala. Tinerii ar trebui sa studieze istoria comunismului si sa invete
ca dogma sa inumana nu a oferit niciodata o solutie dreapta sau umana, niciunde.
Comunismul si fascismul sunt in esenta practici asemanatoare.
3- Societatile totalitare au promovat toate valori gresite, de prea mult timp
. Oamenii ar trebui sa reinvete ceea ce este corect, constructiv si creativ.
Din fericire, romanii au multe exemple de oameni remarcabili care si-au dedicat
si sacrificat vietile pentru cauze si idealuri nobile. Ei ar trebui facuti
cunoscuti si promovati ca si modele pentru generatiile tinere. Imi vin in minte
nume precum: Corneliu Coposu, Petre Tutea, Alexandru Zub, Ana Blandiana, Doina
4- Legea Lustratiei ar trebui adoptata inainte de urmatoarele alegeri, daca
acesta e vointa romanilor. Si, de ce nu, si pentru Parlamentul European,
deasemenea? O clauza speciala a legii electorale ar trebui sa interzica fostilor
activisti de partid sa candideze pentru functia de Presedinte al tarii (conform
Punctului 8 al Proclamatiei de la Timisoara), pentru Senat si Parlament.
Presedintele Romaniei ar trebui sa fie un "simbol al divortului tarii de
5- Judecatori independenti ar trebui selectati de o Comisie Juridica pentru a evita apartenenta politica in numiri.
6- Comisiile juridice ar trebui formate din persoane ireprosabile, care ar
recomanda numai pe cei mai bine calificati barbati si femei pentru a fi
7- Mass-media ar trebui sa aiba si un rol educativ. Ea ar trebui sa
promoveze idei specifice unei societati deschise si sa-i demonstreze avantajele.
Bineinteles, trebuie sa se tina cont si de interese comerciale, dar mass-media
in societatile deschise cauta sa asigure acces la cultura, valori si diversitate
de opinii.
8- Atat societatea civila cat si mass-media ar trebui sa informeze publicul
atat in legatura cu practicile si trasaturile societatii deschise care aduc
prosperitate, drepturi si demnitate umana, pluralism si guvernarea legii in
societatile democratice. Societatile post-totalitare au uneori dificultati
in intelegerea nuantelor practicilor democratice. Cele mai reprezentative
trasaturi ale unei societati deschise sunt societatile ei civile active si
guvernarea legii.
Romanii ar
trebui sa fie constienti ca o societate post-totalitara fara guvernarea legii si
valori morale, fara hotararea de a le promova pe ambele, nu isi va vindeca
niciodata ranile si nu va deveni o adevarata societate deschisa.
9- Societatea civila ar trebui sa informeze romanii in legatura cu
atrocitatile totalitare trecute si prezente, in cadrul mass-mediei,
conferintelor, seminariilor, etc . Daca este adevarat ca cunostrea inseamna
putere, este, de asemenea adevarat ca oamenii ar trebui sa invete din greselile
din trecut pentru a evita sa le faca in viitor. Romania are China ca un exemplu
viu a ceea ce s-ar fi intamplat daca ar fi supravietuit comunismul.
Totalitarism in China de astazi
As dori sa ma refer in continuare la indelungata societate inchisa din China, in special la tratamentul pe care il aplica regimul unuia din grupurile propriei societati civile- Falun Gong- lucru care ne-a determinat sa numim Jocurile Olimpice din vara viitoare din Beijing "Olimpiada Recoltarii Sangeroase". Dupa cum stiti, lumea nu stia de Holocaust pana dupa Olimpiada din1936 din Berlin. Multi dintre noi stim acum cum continua Partidul Communist Chinez (PCC) sa se poarte cu comunitatea Falun Gong.
Raportul lui David Matas si al meu, disponibil in romaneste si in multe alte limbi, la, vorbeste despre o "noua forma a raului pe aceasta planeta". Ne referim la uciderea practicantilor Falun Gong- oameni care cred si respecta principiile adevar-bunatate-toleranta- si la recoltarea organelor lor in scopuri comerciale.
Am cea mai
mare admiratie pentru China si mileniile ei de munca sustinuta, intelepciune
acumulata, succese in agricultura, nenumarate inventii, cercetare internationala,
arta, literatura, filosofie, iar, in trecut, o guvernare armonioasa bazata pe
principii din Confucianism. In ciuda istoriei ei bogate, guvernarea totalitara
din China, combinata cu un capitalism de genul "merge orice" a demonstrat din
nefericire ca resursele PCC pentru violenta si crime impotriva umanitatii raman
de fapt nelimitate.
Raportul Matas-Kilgour
Raportul nostru actualizat in ianuarie are, impreuna cu anexele 178 de pagini, intr-o editie, asa ca voi rezuma putin aici cateva descoperiri majore:
De cand am pornit investigatia independenta din Mai 2006, la cererea Coalitiei pentru Investigarea Persecutiei Falun Gong in China, David Matas si cu mine am ajuns la concluzia infioratoare ca guvernul Chinei si agentiile acesteia din numeroase parti ale tarii "au omorat un numar mare dar necunoscut de practicanti Falun Gong, prizonieri datorita constiintei lor."
In vara anului 1999 pentru motive ce tin de paranoia totalitara din China, partidul a dezlantuit o campanie mass-media de defaimare si persecutie care continua pana in prezent.
Falun Gong nu
este o religie in sensul comun al termenului, dar, care religie nu s-ar putea
identifica cu principiile de baza Falun Gong: "adevar-compasiune-toleranta"?
Seninatatea interioara si non-violenta cu care practicantii fac fata batailor,
incarcerarilor, torturilor si omorurilor pe intreg teritoriul Chinei din iulie
1999, sunt izbitor de asemanatoare cu ceea ce alte comunitati spirituale au avut
de indurat din cauza altor tirani din trecutul indepartat sau mai putin
Practicantii Falun Gong fac un set de cinci exercitii fizice si urmeaza standarde morale inalte, care se bazeaza pe principii similare din Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism- componentele majore ale istoriei chineze. Numarul celor care practica Falun Gong a crescut de la practic nimic in 1992 la mai mult de 70 de milioane in toata China la sfarsitul anilor 90, conform unei estimari ale guvernului.
De atunci, un numar urias de practicanti au fost arestati; ei sunt inchisi in 'lagare de re-educare', aproape intotdeauna fara a fi acuzati de ceva sau judecati si multi sunt torturati si fortati sa lucreze ore in sir in institutiile de productie pentru export ca sa renunte la crezul lor. Mii de practicanti al caror nume este cunoscut au murit din cauza torturii . Raportorul UN pentru tortura, Manfred Novak, a decoperit anul trecut ca doua treimi dintre cei torturati in inchisori in China sunt practicanti Falun Gong. Dintre cei aflati in inchisoare, numai prizonierilor Falun Gong li se fac teste de sange si sunt examinati fizic, pentru un motiv oribil care acum este evident- sa stabileasca compatibilitatea ca donori de organe.
Practic, toate organele folosite pentru transplant in China vin de la prizonieri executati, dar acest grup este compus atat din indivizi condamnati cat si din practicanti Falun Gong. Cei din urma sunt rareori acuzati de ceva. Spre deosebire de condamnati, ei sunt de fapt ucisi de medici si asistente prin administrarea unor injectii toxice si taiati pentru a furniza organe acelor recipienti compatibili, care platesc sume sume mari de bani pentru organe (de la 30 000$ la 180 000$ pentru o combinatie rinichi-ficat).
Extragerea de organe in China de la practicantii Falun Gong are loc in sali de operatie. Victimile sunt omorate in timpul acestui proces, iar corpurile sunt apoi arse. Faptasii-cadre medicale, sunt vinovati de crime impotriva umanitatii si este foarte improbabil ca ei sa marturisesca aceasta. Matas si cu mine am avut persoane care au sunat la spitale si alte institutii din China, dandu-se drept membri ai familiilor persoanelor care au nevoie de transplanturi de organe; in marea parte a locatiilor, cei care raspundeau spuneau ca sursele de organe sunt practicantii Falun Gong.
democratii, din intreaga lume nu ar trebui sa fim nici prea multumiti de sine
nici prea increzatori. Mai sunt inca in jur de 45 de dictaturi in lume, care fac
mult rau atat fiintelor umane cat si mediului.
Sa consideram, de exemplu, rolurile ingrozitoare pe care guvernul Chinei il joaca in Sudan/Darfur- ceea ce a determinat-o pe Mia Farrow sa numeasca Olimpiada de la Beijing de vara viitoare "Olimpiada Genocidului"- in Burma/Mynamar, Zimbabwe, Coreea de Nord si in subminarea democratiei si a demnitatii umane intr-o parte extinsa a Asiei si oriunde.
Sa ne uitam la ceea ce face guvernul Chinei cu proprii oameni, incluzandu-i pe jurnalisti independenti, militanti ai drepturilor omului, democrati, comunitati religioase, uiguri, tibetani si multi altii. In privinta numeroasei comunitati Falun Gong, dupa cum am mentionat, este pur si simplu de neconceput ca un guvern care gazduieste Jocurile Olimpice intr-o parte a capitalei, anul viitor, sa isi ucida, in acelasi timp, o parte a propriilor cetateni pentru profit, in alta parte a aceluiasi oras. Acesta practica comerciala inspaimantatoare trebuie sa inceteze imediat.
In Romania , China sau Canada, demnitatea umana este, in fond, una singura in acesta lume a noastra atat de zbuciumata astazi.